
Welcome to the Inverness Local History Forum.


The Inverness Local History Forum was founded in 1992 by the late Mrs Sheila Mackay OBE. With a few like-minded volunteers she set about researching, recording, preserving and promoting the history of Inverness.

The long-term objective of the project was to record all aspects of social life in what was then the Burgh of Inverness. The Forum has to date archived over 200 hours of oral history recordings by local people, and collected books, photographs, maps and other artefacts of interest relating to our history. The Forum has also published several popular books and booklets, as well as Inverness Remembered, the newsletter for members, with nearly 120 issues to date.

The Forum presents regular talks and presentations from guest speakers throughout the year on a variety of topics, held on the first Wednesday of every month at 2.00pm (except January, July, August and December). These talks, of just under one hour duration, are held in the theatre of the Spectrum Centre in Margaret Street, Inverness, alongside the bus station.*

The Forum also maintains a presence on Facebook — an ever-growing series of illustrated historical articles about people and places (plus links to websites of interest and current events).The organisation is a registered charity and all profits from the sale of our own publications is used to continue the Forum’s work in unearthing the hidden nuggets of information and memorabilia that get lost or forgotten in this fast-paced modern world.


* Our Illustrated Talks are held on the first Wednesday of every month in the Spectrum Centre. Our next speaker will be Dr Jim Mackay discussing the history of Abertarff House and Bailie John Stuart. (2nd April 2025).


Current Committee Members

Dave Conner - Convenor

Adrian Harvey - Vice-convenor/Editor

Willie Morrison - Secretary

Mary MacRae - Treasurer

Sheila MacDonald, Jim Miller, Sandy Goodall, John Maclaren, Iain Maclellan

Founding President - Sheila S Mackay OBE (1939-2019)

Honorary President - Maureen T Kenyon

Honorary Vice President - Allan Cameron

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